As the mining sector navigates the energy transition, understanding the interplay between environmental impacts and commodity economics becomes increasingly crucial.

Join us for an afternoon of networking and presentations at the Royal Geological Society in Piccadilly, on the 10th October 2023.

Discover more about energy intensity, GHG emissions and water use across supply chains, from mine to finished metal, for a wide range of commodities. 

Date: 10th October 2023

Time: 1PM- 4PM

Location: The Geological Society 


Event open and Registration

Registration, Refreshments and networking

A brief introduction to Skarn

Who we are and why we do it.

Carbon economics 
  • The journey to net zero - how much can you abate? 

  • Decarbonisation leaders and laggards 

  • Quantifying the incentive carbon price for assets: how does it impact marginal abatement costs? 

  • The impact of decarbonisation and carbon taxation on cost curves


Refreshments and networking

Water  in Mining
  • Asset level analysis of water impacts: why it should matter to mining companies and their stakeholders 

  • The most important water metrics and what they mean  

  • Quantifying water-related production risk - case studies 


Refreshments and networking 

Metal recycling and circular economy 
  • Traditional mining versus urban mining  

  • Scrap grades: implications for treatment technology 

  • Primary vs Secondary smelting: differences in flowsheet, capacity, energy usage and GHG intensity 

Closing remarks

Mark Fellows, C.E.O
Event ends


Founded in 1807, the Geological Society is the oldest national geological society in the world. The Society has resided in Burlington House in central London since 1874.

Burlington House,


London W1J 0BG

Join Skarn Associates for an afternoon of networking and presentations on the 10th of October 2023.

Click here to register


Skarn at LME Week 2024
02/10/2024 - October 2, 2024
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About us
About Us

Skarn Associates is the market leader in quantifying and benchmarking asset-level greenhouse gas emissions, energy intensity, and water use across the mining sector.

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